Canine & Feline Diabetes

Dog and Feline Diabetes in Lodi, CA

Many people don’t know this, but your pets can get diabetes just like us humans. Similarly, they can have 2 types of diabetes, Type I (where the animal is unable to produce insulin) and Type II (not enough insulin is produced). It turns out Type I diabetes is much more prevalent in dogs, as nearly 80% of cats with diabetes suffer from Type II.

It can be difficult to determine if your pet has diabetes. Still, its best to watch for these symptoms:

  • Fatigue

  • Weight Loss

  • Constantly Drinking Water

  • Constantly Hungry

  • Excessive Need to Urinate

These can all be signs of a health issue, in which case you should visit a veterinarian. We realize these can be difficult to discern if your pet has an issue or not, and that is why it is good do take your pet to a veterinarian for checkups at least twice a year. Each checkup should include a blood test for diabetes. Ask your veterinarian to be sure.

Treatments are essential for keeping your pet healthy. As a pet owner, you may be required to give your pet daily doses of insulin. Insulin doses are commonly given through a shot or given orally. Of course a proper diet is essential for continued good health. Finally, your pet will need frequent visits to the vet in order to monitor your’ pets insulin levels and overall health.

Call Animal Hospital, Lodi if you think your pet has diabetes. 209-369-6601

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Mon-Fri: 8am - 6pm

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Animal Hospital, Lodi is Lodi, California’s leading veterinary facility, providing routine and advanced care for your pets. Our team of doctors, veterinary assistants and support staff are dedicated to the best possible outcomes for our patients, utilizing the latest veterinary medical technology and techniques.

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